Privacy Policy

We aim to clarify the scope of information we gather, what remains outside our purview, and the methodologies employed in our data collection, utilization, and storage practices. We affirmatively state that we abstain from retaining any activity logs, which includes refraining from recording browsing history, traffic destinations, data content, or DNS queries. Additionally, we affirm that we do not maintain connection logs, meaning there are no records pertaining to your IP address, outgoing VPN IP address, connection timestamps, or session durations.

Our overarching principle guiding data collection is to gather only the essential data necessary for the operation of a world-class VPN service on a large scale. Our systems have been meticulously designed to operate without possessing sensitive customer data; even under legal compulsion, we are unable to furnish data that we do not possess.

This privacy policy is intended to elucidate how we gather, utilize, and safeguard information.